Manage Materials and Finished Goods
M-Power tracks and manages both raw materials and finished goods inventory. You can track inventory by location and sublocation (such as a pallet bay location). Reconciling periodic stock counts with onhand inventory is easily managed. Reports and notifications tell you when your stock is low for any items.
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Purchasing Raw Materials
The purchasing cycle for raw materials includes systems for purchasing, receipt of materials, and the reconciliation of supplier deliveries and bills. You can export Supplier Bills to MYOB or Xero to minimise data entry. We increment inventory on receipt through the inwards goods process.
Book a DemoCommitting Raw Materials
Our recipes estimate the raw material requirements across a job. To ensure inventory is available, we adjust inventory when we release the job rather than when we consume it during manufacturing. Optionally staff can scan raw materials out of material as they use them.

Replenishing Finished Goods
We have a system of stock orders to replenish finished goods. Imagine you have twelve finished goods items you manufacture the same way. You raise one stock order to manufacture the batch you need for the twelve items. When the job is complete, we increment the inventory of the twelve items with the job output.
Fully integrated, super fast and incredibly
easy to use.
Recording Materials Used
We record materials used in two ways. Firstly materials can be committed to the job when released and then altered if the quantities used vary from the estimate. Alternatively, you can scan the materials into the job as you use them. The first approach is best for stock control, but both arrive at the exact job profitability figures.

M-Power can do so much more
Easily track and manage job profitability
and team productivity
Our barcoding system tracks time and costs and gives
you accurate data to improve your performance.

Have a burning question that needs answering?
Contact usYour jobs, simply managed
You can now send your quotations to clients using email. Clients can click a link that takes them to an approval page where they can approve the quote online, as well as entering specific comments if they desire.
Trust the power of simplicity
Every business has a right to get things done faster, and we're
here to help make that possible.