Manage Production Effectively
Managing day-to-day production in a busy shop is a challenging job but also one of the most rewarding when everything is running like clockwork. We developed M-Power to help us streamline our business, so production management has been our goal from the outset. The key to managing production is feedback from the factory floor. Our recipes and barcoding system provide the information a production manager needs to plan effectively.
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Status is Important
Clients expect status updates on their orders. Relying on the production manager to provide status takes time and causes bottlenecks. Barcode scanning for each process updates the production status, so the team knows where all jobs are.
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Each person in a factory needs to know what to do next. The system uses tasks and estimated times in recipes to generate a queue for each person, resource or department. As tasks are completed, the job moves to the next station on the production workflow. Some processes are time sensitive and extracted from the workflow automatically for manual scheduling on a calendar. M-Power manages production queues automatically, leaving the production manager to focus on managing exceptions and bottlenecks.

Push & Pull Production
We see a production manager's role to 'pull' jobs into production and 'push' jobs through production. We use a system of 'released' and 'unreleased' jobs to separate those jobs that are ready for production from those that are not. The production manager acts as the gatekeeper to production. They review and release jobs triggering their appearance on schedules and queues.
Fully integrated, super fast and incredibly
easy to use.

Artwork & Drawing Approvals
In many companies, jobs can only proceed once the artwork is approved. Often this process holds back production as you wait for approval. We streamline this process by handling it entirely within the system. Firstly, your design department uploads its PDF artwork proof into the system. Then they send a link to an approval webpage. Your client can comment on the artwork proof and suggest changes that are uploaded back to the job. Approval triggers status updates and notifications, which keeps the job moving forward.
M-Power can do so much more
Do you understand your true labour
Read our white paper which explains how to determine
your factory charge-out rate

Have a burning question that needs answering?
Contact usTrust the power of simplicity
Every business has a right to get things done faster, and we're
here to help make that possible.